About Whale of a Time

Whale of a Time is riding the wave of change, promoting successful stewardship of our planet to create a peaceful, morally just, humane and sustainable culture, while ensuring survival of all species and their natural habitats. Whale of a Time organises creative and fun, inspiring and empowering events on environmental issues to encourage active participation living a sustainable lifestyle inspired by a positive attitude. We engage young and old from all walks of life through the Whale of a Time Community, the Whale of a Time Festival and the Whale of a Time Workshop. Our work has been recognised by many national and community and environmental awards schemes.

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Saturday, 6 November 2010

Radio Senate debated the risks of dams in Chapada dos

Radio Senate debated the risks of dams in Chapada dos
Senate Radio - The construction of 22 dams threatens the Chapada dos, Goias, classified by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as world natural heritage. The warning was made by researchers from the fauna and flora, which are against the construction of power plants in the belief that many animal and plant species may be destroyed. Moreover, they argue, the main economic activity in the region - ecotourism - is also in danger.
They discussed the matter as a board member of Environmental Defense Alto Paraiso de Goias and the National Environment Council - CONAMA, Alvaro De Angelis, a professor of Forestry at UNB, Reuber Brandão, the coordinator of implementation Centers for Advanced Studies in the Cerrado Chapada dos UnB, Nina Paula Laranjeira, and environmentalist Peter Midkiff. (Photo: Pedro Barbosa)